Saturday, November 30, 2019

Software Piracy Essays (748 words) - File Sharing,

Software Piracy Software Piracy - Are We Doing Enough? Introduction Imagine that a person offered to break into a software store, turn off all the alarms, and hold the doors open, and allow you to take whatever you wanted from the store. This situation is faced by most computer owners everyday, not necessarily in this form, but in the form of software piracy. Software piracy is the unauthorised duplication and or distribution of copyrighted programs. There would only be select group who would not be tempted by the prospect of basically free software, most of those who are offered these kind of goods either accept them, or are unaware that they are not legitimate. No matter how this crime is being conducted, it has been estimated that this sort of crime is costing the world approximately 13 billion dollars annually. Beginnings Software piracy became popular through the use of Bulletin Boards, which allowed people to dial into other an ?underground? archive of pirated software. Around this time, 31/2 Inch discs were also a popular medium for pirated software. Popularity The reason behind the widespread popularity of software piracy lies in the cost. Why pay $80 dollars for a piece of software, when you could get it for the price of a blank CD. Software piracy has boomed over recent years, which can most likely be attributed to the drop in price of CD Writers, which allow the user to copy from one CD to another in less than an hour. During the beginnings of software piracy, the floppy disc was the only feasible method of tangible transportation, and because of the size of most software, many floppy discs were required for storage. This problem has also been eliminated by the CD-writer and CD, which can copy and store approximately 700 megabytes of information, as apposed to 1.44 megabytes. What's the Problem? This is a question asked by many people, who do not know the damage caused by software piracy. The initial problem lies in the producers of the piece of software, and to make up for the cost of production, they must sell thousands of copies. However, software piracy has caused the widespread loss of sales, which in turn reduces the amount of money received by the makers of the program. Ultimately, this result in the producers being forced to increase the price of their product, which again, encourages the use of cheap pirated software. This can be described as a piracy cycle. What Are We Doing About It? Considering the cost of software piracy to the entire world, the action taken against it has been minimal. It has been estimated that the complete elimination of software piracy would boost worldwide revenue, by more that 30 billion dollars. However, even this incentive has not been enough to spark more than a few over-glorified ?sting? operations on isolated software pirates. More action must be taken, if the creation of software is to continue, for if this enormous amount of money is being lost, most prospective software producers will be turned away by the lack of profit. What can we do about ? This is not an easy problem to fully eliminate, because of the diversity in its participants, from large-scale companies, to people operating private CD-writers, however steps can be taken to reduce the amount of pirated software being bought and used. Software piracy has been likened to jaywalking, in that it is common, but not punished often. This must change. Software piracy should incur immediate prosecution, and swift punishment. This way, prospective software pirates will be discouraged from involving themselves. Also, control of the medium, in which modern software pirates most commonly buy and sell in, would reduce the amount piracy. This means controlling the sale of CD-writers and blank CD's. Conclusion To conclude all of the above statements, it can be said that software piracy is a growing problem that is costing the world exorbitant amounts of money. The amount of action taken to stem the spread of piracy around the world needs to be extended, in order to bring about an end to this expensive problem. This action would include harsher and swifter punishment, and control of CD-writers and CD's. Bibliography Protecting Against Software Piracy. 2000. ?Software Information Industry Association? 2000. ?Combating Software

Monday, November 25, 2019

buy custom Hospitals essay

buy custom Hospitals essay According to Naidu Narayana 1991, Toward the end of the twentieth century hospitals were presented with many challenges for increasing profitability, customer loyalty, quality of care, and market dominance. The marketing function, new to hospitals in the mid-1980s, was seen as a way to attract new customers, develop new services, and communicate "value" to potential buyers of its services. Adoption of a marketing orientation by hospitals was a necessary management strategy to achieve a competitive advantage in local markets. Marketing has been effective and hospitals that have invested in their marketing have seen an increase in customer base than their rivals in a given geographic location (Abdul-Gader Bhuian 1997). In studies that have sought to establish the correlation between marketing orientation of hospitals and their general organizational performance, it has been discovered that marketing to a great extent contributes to the hospitals performance. Defining marketing orientation in terms of market intelligence activities interfunctional coordination, and organizational responsiveness activities, , McDermott, Franzak, Little, 1993 found that the adoption of a marketing orientation by hospitals is positively associated with financial performance. In their 1997 study, Abdul-Gader Bhuian found that, different dimensions of marke orientation are associated with specific measures of performance and that responsiveness to customers and to the competition are most closely linked with financial performance of hospitals. Marketing orientation is much higher among those hospitals that have strong affiliations with other providers. This goes to show that multi-hospitals systems in marketing of healthcare are indeed effective. Looking at the issue of accountability in multi-hospital marketing indeed hospitals that come together for this purpose have mutual benefits. Thompson Hurley 1993 concluded that, While intuitively appealing to many healthcare executives, the adoption of marketing by hospitals during the last two decades of the twentieth century was highly variable. The inconsistency in the adoption of marketing was a result of a number of factors, namely the perceived lack of relevance to hospitals operating in highly regulated, yet revenue-rich, environments of the 1970s and early 1980s.As these environments became more competitive and resource-limited following the implementation of Medicare's prospective payment system, marketing was vigorously advocated as a means for hospitals to achieve organizational objectives and a competitive advantage. In conclusion therefore, marketing is not only appropriate but also vital in hospitals marketing. The last bit of the last century brought hospitals under the management of executives who undeerstood that marketing and an environment of competition would only go a long way in improving health care delivery. In the packaging of the services available in hospitals and the building of a client base, hospitals are able to invest and innovation becomes a major part of their operations. And hospitals in order to do better than their rivals i a particular location will strive to provide better services. Also, marketing has proved to be quite effective in the hospitals that have undertaken it. Several studies have made the conclusion that there is a correlation between effective marketing and revenue from operations in hospitals. Effective marketing has raised the client base in hospitals and created a sort of client loyalty to products hence they came back for more services and as a result provided more business for their chosen hospital of choice. Just like marketing in any other business sector or industry, accountability in the marketing activities of hospitals has had to be evaluated. The goal of any marketing undertaking is to increase sales and the money invested in marketing should increase sales as expected. The executives have to justify the money they spend in marketing to the hospitals as this budgeted money must show value. Where their marketing strategies do not seem to show the desired effect, a change of strategy is called for as competition ever continues top stiffen. Buy custom Hospitals essay

Friday, November 22, 2019

After Thousand Years Essays - Anaida, De, Green Leaves, Free Essays

fter thousand years naida want to believe to a memory and love, left man after him and no matter what he did no matter what he does and will do in his future , he just has to do something good for world?s sake, something important to every body who he is surrounded with, let it be a very little thing? here was a man, so he created how to write and read, he taught then children how to do it. Soon they became talented writers; there was a man, he painted pictures and in the museums people were feeling better in their hearts looking at them; there was a man, he planted a seedling, after some years it grew up a big tree and made the air cleaner. here will be a man and he will continue loving, his love will retain through the centuries and after thousand years you?ll see a tree full if green leaves, under it?s shadow will sit a painter drawing a picture on canvas of a writer with a lot of papers on his knees and many other people will be around them walking, smiling from the bottom of their hearts. You can explain a picture and you?ll see that the only name for it - is the one ? ?life is beautiful?.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Research paper about the Earthquakes Information, time scale, plate

About the Earthquakes Information, time scale, plate tectonic, slope stability, all kinds of it, statistics, num - Research Paper Example The paper uses a practical approach to examine earthquakes by evaluating five specific cases cases. These cases include major events in: 1. The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake 2. The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake 3. The 1964 Alaska Earthquake 4. The 1960 Chilean Earthquake and 5. The 2004 Sumatra Earthquake The paper renders a very extensive research into these earthquakes and the effects they had on the lives and properties of the societies at the given points they occurred. It examines the elements of physical geography in the areas and the exact impact of the quakes on these areas. In arriving at this end, the following objectives are met: 1. An examination of the social factors that existed in these three regions prior to the earthquakes 2. The geographical analysis of the components of the earthquakes. 3. An evaluation of the effects of the earthquakes on human lives and property. II Scientific Background of Earthquakes â€Å"An earthquake is a series of vibrations or seismic (shock) wa ves which originates from the focus – the point at which the plates release their tension or compression suddenly† (Nagle & Guiness 263). Earthquakes involve the phenomenon where the earth surface shakes at certain points in time. It involves some kind of vibration that is emitted from deep within the earth's crust. Earthquakes result from some shocks that are remitted from within the earth's surface which is felt on the land and in the sea. Earthquakes often cause the damage of building and destruction of properties. The epicenter of an earthquake is the part of the surface of the earth which is the focus of the earthquake. Usually, the epicenter is the point on the earth where the highest impact of the earthquake occurs. Aside the epicenter, the earthquake is felt in other lands around the epicenter. However, relative to the epicenter, the other areas affected by the earthquake is much lesser than that of the epicenter. Earthquakes are emitted by a series of shocks. T here are some large shocks whilst there are other smaller shocks. These shocks shake the earth surface and are known as tremors. The tremors that occur before the earthquake are known as foreshocks whilst those that occur after the major earthquake are known as aftershocks (Nagle & Guiness 265). In terms of occurrence, there dynamics of earthquakes vary with the layer within which an earthquake emanates. Primary waves are body shocks in the earth's interior. The occur deep within the earth and close to the earth's core. Secondary shocks occur nearer to the surface of the earth. They are known as surface waves. Their impacts are quite less than primary waves. The primary waves affect a wider surface area and have a higher intensity on the epicenter. Earthquakes are measured by two popular methods (Nagle & Guiness 266). One of them is the Richter Scale whilst the other is the Mercalli Scale. The Richter scale records the magnitude of earthquakes on a scale of 1 to 10. The measurement is based on logarithms and it increases exponentially on the scale of tens. Thus an earthquake judged to be 7 on the scale is ten times more than one that is 6 on the scale. That same earthquake (7) will be judged to be hundred times more than another that is 5 on the scale and so on. The Mercalli Scale however measures the earthquake in terms of its impact on the society. It is a more practical approach to measure how the earthquake was felt by the community that was affected by it. The Mercalli

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

What is the difference between civic nationalism and ethnic Essay

What is the difference between civic nationalism and ethnic nationalism Can the former exist without the latter - Essay Example In terms of self-determination, it is referred to â€Å"as having full statehood with complete authority on domestic and internal affairs† Miscevic, Nenad (01 Jun 2010 Whereupon, we come into the two theories of nationalism: the civic nationalism and the ethnic nationalism. What makes them different from each other, and could it be rightly expressed that the former can exist without the other? I believe that although the two kinds of nationalism are different from each other; civic nationalism emanates from ethnic nationalism because the former is a heritage that existed during the times of our forefathers; and that civic nationalism has gathered its principles from the experience of ethnic nationalism. Kuzio, Taras (January 2002, pp. 20-39) supports my assertion that civic nationalism could not exist without ethnic nationalism. He believes that the country’s ethnicity and civic universalism â€Å"is dependent on the evolution of its history from ethnic to civic state and nationhood and the depth of democratic consolidation† (Kuzio, Taras). He concluded in his study that evolution from ethnic to civic states does not depend on geogra phy but rather on the positive influence of international institutions, domestic democratic consolidation and civic institution building†. The West, he said has a long history of ethnic states, and that this factor makes its evolution also similar to the states in the East. Drawn from the explanations of Nikolas 2001, ethnic nationalism has ideological bonds from the native history and its people. It is differentiated from civic nationalism because its nationhood is described by its customs and traditions, religion and language (Hill, Richard C. 2003). Accordingly, the ethnic nationalists believe that â€Å"it is not the state that creates the nation but the nation that creates the state†. What make them stay together are the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Biological Explanations of Addiction Essay Example for Free

Biological Explanations of Addiction Essay The biological model of addictions basic premise is that addiction: is an illness; that it is irreversible; that you are either addicted or not (there are no slightly addicted individuals) and that treatment must be medical.  There are many models of biological addiction mainly because current psychological research suggests that different areas of the brain are involved in different addictions (quashing the idea of an addictive personality per say). In this essay two biochemical theories will be discussed, plus the genetic model. The latter theory should not be seen as distinct from the biochemical theories as biologists would propose that any biochemical abnormalities that may predispose an individual to addiction are probably inherited. Thus studies looking at concordance rates of addictions in families, twins and adopted children would support all three of the models being discussed. One of the most popular theories of addiction is to do with the neurotransmitter Dopamine. Dopamine is involved with our pleasure/reward system. Anything we do of our volition that is pleasurable increases Dopamine. It is the release of dopamine that makes us feel Euphoria/pleasure. Drugs such as Cocaine, Alcohol and Heroin make Dopamine receptors release enormous amounts of Dopamine, so the user may feel intense pleasure. This however, does not explain addiction as many people drink or recreationally use cocaine and dont become addicts. The main idea of the theory is that individuals biologically susceptible to addiction have more sensitive Mesolimbic/ reward pathways in their brain, e.g. drugs may have a more profound (wow factor) on their Dopamine receptors. Another theory that may work alone or in conjunction with the Reward theory is that individuals with addictions may naturally produce low levels of Serotonin. Serotonin is thought to be a major factor in controlling our behaviour. So most of us can get drunk overeat etc but not repeat the behaviour compulsively. This is because our Serotonin levels are stable. It is thought that individuals with low levels may not be able to exercise control. There is support for this idea, e.g. low levels of serotonin are correlated with compulsive suicide, homicide, Bulimia and ADHD. Another suggestion has been that there is a genetic basis for developing an addiction. Although a specific gene has not been found, there is plenty of research that shows high levels of concordance between families who are addicted to: alcohol (Sarafino), Nicotine (Agrawal and Lynskey, Heroin (Devaux and Krebs) and Fowler (see Erika Cox book). However like all correlational studies this kind of research cannot imply cause. The concordance could be caused by environmental factors or social learning.  Additional support for the biochemical theories comes from MRI and PET scans, animal studies using agonists and antagonists and invasive brain techniques on animals, such as neuro toxins where Dopamine receptors are removed.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Penelope, Clytaemestra, Athena, and Helen of Homer’s Odyssey Essay exam

The Ideal Women of Homer’s Odyssey      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ancient Greek society treated women as secondary citizens. Restrictions were placed on the social and domestic actions of many aristocratic women in ancient Athens.   The women depicted in Homer's Odyssey, on the other hand, are the ideal.   Penelope, Clytaemestra, Athena, and Helen are all women with exceptional liberty and power.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Before comparing the women of the Odyssey to those of Athens, it is beneficial to take a look into the lives of the latter.   A respected woman was to have characteristics including obedience, virtue, refinement, productivity, honor, beauty, talent and intelligence (social consciousness).   Sarah B. Pomeroy has studied this aspect of ancient life and discusses it in her book, Families in Classical and Hellenistic Greece.   She states that women from this Athenian polis (city-state) are part of their husbands' oikos.   Though, these women have some power within the oikos, their primary responsibility was the procreation of sons.   They held very little and most likely no political power.   They lived by guidelines set by society which were fairly restrictive.   They must not do tasks out of doors, for then they would become "the potential prey of rapists and seducers" (Pomeroy 21).   The wife must be kept chaste and pure, an d so there was a need for a slave-woman. Not only were the women not allowed outdoors, but they were not to come into contact with strangers, particularly men.   For, men would vie "to win honour for themselves at the expense of other men's honour, and wives were often mere adolescents" (Pomeroy 21). These "mere adolescent" wives were not only confined in their roles as women, they were also physically confined within the walls of ... ...ncient times.   Perhaps the men were in fear that the women, were they in the position of power, would be as repressive as men.   For whatever the many reasons for the situation in which the women lived, the truth holds that they are invaluable to society.   There may not be a female president for some years to come, but without women in modern society, there would be no male presidents either. Works Cited Aeschylus.   "Agamemnon."   Greek Tragedies. Ed. David Grene and Richmond Lattimore.   Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1953.   1-61. Homer.   The Odyssey.   Trans.   Robert Fagles. New York: Penguin, 1996. Pomeroy:   Pomeroy, Sarah B.   Families in Classical and Hellenistic Greece: Representations and Realities.   New York: Oxford UP, 1997. Pomeroy2:   Pomeroy, Sarah B. Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity.   New York: Oxford UP. Penelope, Clytaemestra, Athena, and Helen of Homer’s Odyssey Essay exam The Ideal Women of Homer’s Odyssey      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ancient Greek society treated women as secondary citizens. Restrictions were placed on the social and domestic actions of many aristocratic women in ancient Athens.   The women depicted in Homer's Odyssey, on the other hand, are the ideal.   Penelope, Clytaemestra, Athena, and Helen are all women with exceptional liberty and power.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Before comparing the women of the Odyssey to those of Athens, it is beneficial to take a look into the lives of the latter.   A respected woman was to have characteristics including obedience, virtue, refinement, productivity, honor, beauty, talent and intelligence (social consciousness).   Sarah B. Pomeroy has studied this aspect of ancient life and discusses it in her book, Families in Classical and Hellenistic Greece.   She states that women from this Athenian polis (city-state) are part of their husbands' oikos.   Though, these women have some power within the oikos, their primary responsibility was the procreation of sons.   They held very little and most likely no political power.   They lived by guidelines set by society which were fairly restrictive.   They must not do tasks out of doors, for then they would become "the potential prey of rapists and seducers" (Pomeroy 21).   The wife must be kept chaste and pure, an d so there was a need for a slave-woman. Not only were the women not allowed outdoors, but they were not to come into contact with strangers, particularly men.   For, men would vie "to win honour for themselves at the expense of other men's honour, and wives were often mere adolescents" (Pomeroy 21). These "mere adolescent" wives were not only confined in their roles as women, they were also physically confined within the walls of ... ...ncient times.   Perhaps the men were in fear that the women, were they in the position of power, would be as repressive as men.   For whatever the many reasons for the situation in which the women lived, the truth holds that they are invaluable to society.   There may not be a female president for some years to come, but without women in modern society, there would be no male presidents either. Works Cited Aeschylus.   "Agamemnon."   Greek Tragedies. Ed. David Grene and Richmond Lattimore.   Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1953.   1-61. Homer.   The Odyssey.   Trans.   Robert Fagles. New York: Penguin, 1996. Pomeroy:   Pomeroy, Sarah B.   Families in Classical and Hellenistic Greece: Representations and Realities.   New York: Oxford UP, 1997. Pomeroy2:   Pomeroy, Sarah B. Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity.   New York: Oxford UP.

Monday, November 11, 2019

DQ Patho

It is important to know what medications the patient is on and has been taking, what risk factors she has, and what other medical conditions she may be battling. The labs show an elevated white blood cell count with a high interruption level both Of which are indicators Of a serious infection. The wound culture shows a presence of Staphylococcus erasures which could be the culprit of the infection to the wound. She is also a diabetic who is overweight and of a short stature. I would immediately place Ms.G on a broad spectrum IV antibiotic for the cellulite and the open wound. Loud call to order a Doppler study to be done to rule out a DTV because she has been immobile for as many as three days and there is a significant difference between the sizes of her calves. I would order pain medication, antipathetic, and cold packs to provide comfort for the patient. I would immediately have a wound care nurse assist in the care and documentation of the wound and to help provide education to t he patient on how to care for the patient.Blood sugars should be checked and a Hemoglobin IAC should be drawn to see how compliant of a diabetic Ms. G is. A diabetic educator should be consulted to help educate the patient on a proper diet, how to test her blood sugars, and how to proper use insulin if it is determined that is needed. I would also contact the case manager to help the patient set up home health visits because depending on the wound she could go home with drains, special dressings or possibly a wound Vic. I would also assess the patient's living conditions. Loud also take the time to educate the patient on the importance of exercise, a healthier diet, weight loss techniques, and the importance of a healthier lifestyle. . Identify the muscle groups likely to be affected by Ms. G's condition. The muscles that are affected include the Fibular longs, the extensor digitized longs, the tabloids anterior, and the gastronomic coleus. 3. What is the significance of the subject ive and objective data provided with regard to follow up diagnostic/laboratory testing, education, and future preventative care?Provide rationale for your answer. Subjective data is the information that the patient reports concerning symptoms, previous treatments, medications used, and any other information the patient can provide you while objective data is collected from the physical exam, lab results, diagnostic test, and other measurable data (Altered, Cornell, and Ernst, 2012). In our patients case follow up labs should be drawn to make sure that our interventions are working appropriately.A CB with differential should be drawn to make sure the infection IS subsiding and her WEB and interruption are returning back to normal. Continued blood sugars should be monitored. Fasting and one hour postprandial should be completed and be maintained within normal limits. Our patient should be educated on her Diabetes. She should understand that this disease process increases her susceptib ility to infection and can cause any wound she receives to have some delayed healing.She should be educated on the importance of a healthy diabetic diet and keeping her blood sugars within normal limits. If she has never learned how to test herself, she should provide a return demonstration to either the nurse or the diabetic educator so she knows she is doing it properly. The patient should be provided with education regarding weight loss. She is obese and of short stature. This increases the risks for decreased physical activity, commodities like diabetes, and can delay wound healing.She needs to be provided with not only information on a healthy diet but also programs that can provide her with meals if she is unable to cook for herself. Physical therapy might also be an excellent idea for her to participate in. She could do nice light stretching, swimming, or low impact work to help her become more active and involved in her care. 4. What factors are present in this situation tha t could delay wound healing, ND what precautions are required to prevent delayed would healing?A diabetic patient can have impaired vascular flow and poor perfusion which causes poor tissue oxygenation and this can delay healing. Hypoxia can amplify the early inflammatory response, prolonging injury by increasing the levels of oxygen radicals (Guy & Dippiest, 2010). Diabetics are prone to hypoxia, enumerator, and decreased host immune resistance. The patient is obese which means she has decreased vascular in adipose tissue, skin folds that harbor micro-organisms, skin to skin friction, increased tissue reassure and venous hypertension.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Causes of Separation of East and West Pakistan

The separation of East Pakistan was a great setback to Pakistan. By 1970, sentiments for national unity had weakened in East Pakistan to the extent that constant conflict between the two Wings dramatically erupted into mass civil disorder. This tragically resulted in the brutal and violent amputation of Pakistan’s Eastern Wing. The Bangladesh Liberation War was a South Asian war of independence in 1971 which established the sovereign nation of Bangladesh.The war pitted East Pakistan and India against West Pakistan, and lasted over a duration of nine months. Popular attention has, thus far, focused on the Pakistani army‘s action against the Bengalis, or on the India-Pakistan war. However, East Pakistan in 1971 was simultaneously a battleground for many different kinds of violent conflict that included militant rebellion, mob violence, military crackdown on a civilian population, urban terrorism to full-scale war between India and Pakistan. It witnessed large-scale atrocit ies, the exodus of 10 million refugees and the displacement of 30 million people.Begali nationalists declared independence (March 26, 1971). The Pakistani Army attempted to regain control in East Pakistan and committed terrible atrocities. Indian troops entered the war and quickly defeated the Pakistani Army. The Pakistanis conceded defeat (December 16, 1971). President Yahya Khan resIgned. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto took over Pakistan and recognized Bangladesh as an independent country.Causes which led to the civil war 1971Geographically Divided Nation  Tensions between East and West Pakistan existed from the creation of Pakistan (1947). Pakistan was an odd creation wIth the two parts, East and West Pakistan separated by more than 1,000 miles. The two parts of Pakistan shared few cultural and social traditions other than Islam.The fusion of east and west on the basis of Islam led to the frustration of Bengali nationalism. The lack of common bonds was accentuated when political figures i n the West seized control of the new state, dominating both political and economic power. The military governments which gave little attention to political demands in East Pakistan only promoted discord. As a result, the resentment in East Pakistan gradually grew.Awami LeagueThe Awami League was founded as a an opposition party in East Pakistan soon after Pakistani independence (1949). The League has a moderately socialist ideology as was widespread in the new independent countries emerging from European colonial empires. Cofounder Sheikh Mujibur Rahman assumed leadership a few years later (1953). Disturbed by the dominate role of West Pakistan leasers, Rahman demanded a more equitable distribution of power (1966). His plan called for a federation of East and West Pakistan which would have given EastPakistan a level of autonomy.Elections 1970The first democratic elections in Pakistan were held in 1970 with the Awami League winning with a substantial majority. However Yahya Khan bann ed the Awami League and declared martial law after talks on sharing power failed. Bhutto was famously heard saying â€Å"break the legs† if any member of People's Party attend the inaugural session at the National Assembly. Fearing on capitalization on West Pakistan, West-Pakistanis fears of East Pakistani separatist, and Bhutto demanded to form a coalition with Mujib.Both Mujib and Bhutto were agreed upon the coalition government, with Bhutto as President and Mujib as Prime minister. The Military government and General Yahya Khan was kept unaware of such of these developments. Both Bhutto and Mujib continued a political pressure on Khan's military government. Pressured by his own military government, General Yahya Khan postponed the inaugural session, and ordered to arrest Mujib and put Bhutto on house arrest.Bengali Language MovementIn 1948, the Government of the Dominion of Pakistan ordained Urdu as the sole national language, sparking extensive protests among the Bengali- speaking majority of East Bengal. Facing rising sectarian tensions and mass discontent with the new law, the government outlawed public meetings and rallies. The students of the University of Dhaka and other political activists defied the law and organised a protest on 21st February 1952.The movement reached its climax when police killed student demonstrators on that day. The deaths provoked widespread civil unrest led by the Awami Muslim League, later renamed the Awami League. After years of conflict, the central government relented and granted official status to the Bengali language in 1956, which was too late to diminish the the hatefulness East Pakistanis had for Urdu speakers.Non Bengali MuslimsNon-Bengali Muslims from the north Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar who had migrated to East Pakistan (East Bengal) after the partition of India were collectively referred to as â€Å"Biharis† by the Bengalis. Pro-liberation Bengalis assumed these non-Bengalis to be in fav our of united Pakistan. But a significant minority of Bengalis, including the religious parties, was also for unity.In addition, many Bengalis who voted for Sheikh Mujib out of a long-standing sense of alienation and a desire for provincial autonomy, may not have been in favour of outright secession. The profound polarisation of politics reached even into individual Bengali families, dividing some of them horizontally – for example the father, who had experienced the creation of Pakistan, supported united Pakistan, while the son, swayed by the oratory of Sheikh Mujib, joined the fight for an independent Bangladesh.Shifting of the CapitalThe decision of shifting of the capital city from Karachi to Islamabad was perhaps a good step taken in the regime of President Ayyub Khan (1960) but  it hit the East Pakistanis like a bullet. The Bengalis said that massive development was taking place in West Pakistan and it was being financed from the money that belonged to East Pakistan e ntirely.Biased Nature of West PakistanInspite of the repeated protest by the East Pakistanis, they were discriminated in the appointments in the jobs. The development funds were not given to them honestly. The East Pakistanis developed a colonial attitude towards the Bengalis.Causes of the defeat in east pakistanOperation SearchlightA planned military pacification carried out by the Pakistan Army – codenamed Operation Searchlight – started on 25 March to curb the Bengali nationalist movement by taking control of the major cities on 26 March, and then eliminating all opposition, political or military, within one month. Before the beginning of the operation, all foreign journalists were systematically deported from East Pakistan.The main phase of Operation Searchlight ended with the fall of the last major town in Bengali hands in mid-May. The operation also began the 1971 Bangladesh atrocities. These systematic killings served only to enrage the Bengalis, which ultimatel y resulted in the secession of East Pakistan later in the same year. The international media and reference books in English have published casualty figures which vary greatly, from 5,000–35,000 in Dhaka, and 200,000–3,000,000 for Bangladesh as a whole, and the atrocities have been referred to as acts of genocide.Mukti BahiniIndian Secret Intelligence Services formed an Anti Pakistan Wing East Pakistan named as Mukti Bahini meaning Freedom fighters or Liberation Army, which actively participated in persuading Population of East Pakistan to demand for a separate country. The Pakistan Army launched military operations against Bengali civilians, students, intelligentsia, and armed personnel after sundown on March 25, 1971.In response, Bangladesh declared independence and Bengali military and paramilitary personnel, as well as  civilians, started spontaneous resistance against the aggression. This was the formation of the Mukti Bahini. The armed forces as well as the para military and civilian forces who fought alongside them for the liberation of Bangladesh are referred to as the Mukti Bahini.Involvement of IndiaWary of the growing involvement of India, the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) launched a preemptive strike on Indian Air Force bases on 3 December 1971. The attack was modelled on the Israeli Air Force's Operation Focus during the Six-Day War, and intended to neutralise the Indian Air Force planes on the ground. The strike was seen by India as an open act of unprovoked aggression. This marked the official start of the Indo-Pakistani War.As a response to the attack, both India and Pakistan formally acknowledged the â€Å"existence of a state of war between the two countries†, even though neither government had formally issued a Declaration of War.Third Indian-Pakistani War, December 1971Indo-Pakistani relations deteriorated yet again. This time the civil war in East Pakistan was the principal cause. After Pakistani air strikes, Indian troops entered the war (December 1971). India invaded East Pakistan in part in response to the charges of atrocities and the wave of refugees entering India. Pakisdtan conducted air raids on Indian air ports and airfields. Indians Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, addressed the nation by radio and proclaimed that the the Pakistani war against Bangladesh has become one against their homeland. The Indians quickly defeated the Pakistani Army.Military CausesWest Pakistanis had poor equipment and an insufficient number of aircrafts which made it easier for the Indians to defeat the west Pakistanis. The 14 F-86s that were stationed in Dhaka had no night time flying capability. Their military weakness also became one of the strongest reason for failing in 1971 war.The air and naval warThe Indian Air Force carried out several sorties against Pakistan, and within a week, IAF aircraft dominated the skies of East Pakistan. It achieved near-total air supremacy by the end of the first week as the entire P akistani air contingent in the east, PAF No.14 Squadron, was grounded because of Indian and Bangladesh air strikes at Tejgaon, Kurmitolla, Lal Munir Hat and Shamsher Nagar.Sea Hawks from INS Vikrant also struck Chittagong, Barisal and Cox's Bazar, destroying the eastern wing of the Pakistan Navy and effectively blockading the East Pakistan ports, thereby cutting off any escape routes for the stranded Pakistani soldiers. The nascent Bangladesh Navy (comprising officers and sailors who defected from the Pakistani Navy) aided the Indians in the marine warfare, carrying out attacks, most notably Operation Jackpot.Islolation from the entire worldNeither America nor China was willing to support the Pakistanis because both thought that in East Pakistan there was a popular uprising of the people and both would not have suppressed it.Existential fearBack then, the Pakistani army was accused of forming militia groups to do its bidding in East Pakistan. This existential fear of a bigger, hosti le India is central to Pakistan's security paradigm. In 1971 this fear was reinforced by the crucial role India played in the break up of Pakistan. For India, the situation became serious when nearly 10 million Bengali refugees crossed the border into its territory. There was a humanitarian crisis, but also an opportunity to cut Pakistan down to size.Aftermath and surrenderThe Pakistani army surrendered at Dhaka (December 16, 1971). More than 90,000 Pakistanis, mostly West Pakistanis, became Indian prisoners of war. President Yahya Khan resigned.Bangladesh and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto took over Pakistan. The surrender led to the disintegration of East and West Pakistan and the establishment of Bangladesh. After 25 years, the East Pakistanis declared themselves independent and renamed their Province as Bangladesh.The final reaction of the nationReaction to the defeat and dismemberment of half the nation was a shocking loss to top military and civilians alike. No one had expected that they would lose the formal war in under a fortnight, and there was also unsettlement over what was perceived as a meek surrender of the army in East Pakistan. Yahya Khan's dictatorship collapsed and gave way to Bhutto, who took the opportunity to rise to power.General Niazi, who surrendered along with 93,000 troops, was viewed with suspicion and contempt upon his return to Pakistan. He was shunned and branded a traitor. The war also exposed the shortcomings of Pakistan's declared strategic doctrine that the â€Å"defence of East Pakistan lay in West Pakistan†.Pakistan also failed to gather international support, and found itself fighting a lone battle with only the USA providing any external help. This further embittered the Pakistanis, who had faced the worst military defeat of an army in decades.  Pakistan finally recognized Bangladesh at the Islamic Conference in Lahore on February 22, 1974.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Creativity in Writing Essays

Creativity in Writing Essays Creativity in Writing Essay Creativity in Writing Essay Emotion, thought, creeping fluctuations of life, all painted on the canvas of timeless origin, from the medium of ink that mimics blood from the author’s veins, creating an infinitely unique statement in time. Creativity in writing is the analyzation of the dusty corners of the writer’s soul. Which you pour the contents of your mind onto the blank page, full of possibility, leaving yourself there forever. Creative writing is an abstract recreation of life by the perspective of a thinking mind. It is timeless, moldable, born from formless idea and bearer of unending complexity. In my experience of the art, I have enjoyed traveling the twisted caverns of my mind, and I have discovered realities which, I am in ultimate control over the nature of its existence. I use my pen as an instrument of transportation, a portal, sending me away from the stagnicity of simple reality. In writing, I found new sight in which, I see the abstract connective tissues if thought binding the strings of existence to a single source which, screams for interpretation. Though to define undisputedly, writing is the channeling of perception in printed form. Poetry, for example, is a method of writing that contains the purest images of thought, due to the unrestricted of form and format. In contract, Screenwriting possesses a greater amount of form and content is influenced by the attended audience. While Poetry and Screenwriting hug the extremes of creative writing, fiction and Creative Non- fiction maintains a balance between the abstract nature of creativity and formatting/content influence from prose and intended audiences. Each method demands a unique manner of expression from the author, but all derives from the perception of the writer. Throughout the course, I have learned greater amounts of information regarding the various complexities of the art than I originally anticipated. As a writer, one continuously evolves into better versions of himself, a slo

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Nature of Realism in the Film 'Psycho Movie Review

The Nature of Realism in the Film 'Psycho - Movie Review Example Yet, there aren't any shots in the film that can be convincingly categorized as one of horror. What is achieved ultimately is the unfolding of the emerging suspense through plots of actions pieced together in order to serve as background and also connect them to the central story. There is not even an iota of the ethereal to make the film look like it is made using standards other than what is common in daily life. Undoubtedly, Hitchcock has successfully utilized the rules of dramatics to keep the audience on the edge with well crafted sequences, actions and dialogues, and has taken the trouble to keep the hearts beating fast to match the film with the title. The film begins randomly with the scene of the city of Phoenix and settles down on a window with the Venetian blinds covering it. The scene within the window is that of Marion Crane and Sam Loomis engaged in love making. Marion goes on to hog the scene from then on for nearly half of the film's duration. The film begins with her affair with Sam Loomis. From here we are taken to her office. At the office, she faces Tom Cassidy, played by Frank Albertson, and his lecherous behavior. She chooses to steal the money he gives her in cash to buy a home for "his little girl." This event is actually the precursor to the entire film. Had she not secretly decided to steal the money, she would not have had any reason to leave Phoenix, Arizona. Had she not left Phoenix, the circumstances leading to the making of the film might not have happened. Life would have continued as a normal routine. But things happen. Marion steals the money and decides to run away with it without knowing exactly where. All she knows is that she is in possession of 40,000 and the future looked bright with the money in hand. Hitchcock has a way of blending small events to make scintillating feature films. The wrongness in Marion's action in stealing the money is rendered insignificant with the antagonizing behavior of Cassidy. On the contrary, we find ourselves feeling pleased with her action because it serves the man right anyway. There is nothing wrong in conning a lecher. So Marion runs away and Hitchcock gradually takes us to the scene where Marion sitting in her car comes face to face with her boss. He takes a good look at her but does not see through her intentions and she drives away. As she drives on, the day begins to end. It is getting dark and the audience sees headlights of the oncoming vehicles gliding over Marion's face. Sometimes the headlights flash behind her. She has left the city limits and is now driving in the open countryside. Nonetheless, the look of anxiety is playing on her face and she is tired. Finally she wants to sleep and her eyelids keep shutting

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Principles of the Law of Negligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Principles of the Law of Negligence - Essay Example The plaintiff argued that the defendant’s negligence (snail infested beer) caused her grievous emotional harm (shock) and extreme gastroenteritis. In her argument, she argued that the manufacturer was liable because he had manufactured beer that was meant for the consumption by the general public and which led to her illness. In fact, the bottle was labelled under his name, thus proving ownership of the beer and its contents. In addition, the beer was sealed before consumption meaning that the contents of the bottle (ginger beer and the snail) could be traced directly to Stevenson. Therefore, the defendant had a duty of care to Donoghue because she was directly harmed by his actions and the defendant should have had a check mechanism in place to ensure that the ginger beer was safe for public consumption. Since Stevenson failed to do this, he was liable for negligence. The plaintiff was unsuccessful in trial but her case was appealed in the House of Lords where it was ruled in her favor on grounds of the neighbor principle. In his judgement, Lord Atkins asserted that one should take reasonable care to ensure that one’s actions do not harm their neighbor.In short, one should not intentionally harm their neighbor in foresight, as they will be found to be negligent for any grievous harm inflicted on their neighbors due to their actions/ omissions. In this case, neighbors refer to people who are foreseeably affected in reasonable degree by a person’s omissions or actions.