Saturday, December 7, 2019

Social Media and International Advertising †

Question: Discuss about the Social Media and International Advertising. Answer: Introduction The company known as Earthgrown Nature deals with various kinds of juice products that are being circulated to the consumers in Singapore. The company is in a need of a good advertising video that will help the company in being recognized by the consumers. the use of advertisements is necessary, as it helps in changing the image of the company in front of the customers. The use of billboards and hoardings help the customers in recognizing the brands of the company that are being offered within the market. It also helps the company in promoting the brands among the customers so that they can be interested in buying the products. The technical part that is present in advertising has undergone massive development over a span of years, which has helped the advertisers in providing better insights regarding the creativity and the concept of the products (Buil, De Chernatony and Martinez 2013). The primary aim of the report will be to address the promotional and the advertising strategies that have been taken up by the company so that it can spread awareness among the customers. The use of advertisements in the modern era has helped in the promotion of the brand by incorporating better ideas in their advertisement techniques. The use of the modern day methods of advertising has helped the companies in being associated with the customers in an appropriate manner (De Mooij 2013). The report will also highlight about the concept of the advertisement, name of the brand along with the problems that the consumers may face regarding the advertisement and the visual identity. It will also throw light on the advertisement strategies that needs to be taken up by the company so that the brand can get recognized within the consumers. Additionally, it will help in providing better ideas about the attitude that the customers have regarding the advertisement, the audience that has been targeted by the company and the channel through which the advertisement will be provided to the customers. The use of commercials and advertisements has helped in the development of the companies by promoting the products in an effective manner. The primary goal of the company will be to promote its product so that it can make profits more than its rival companies. the use of the advertisements will help in educating the audience about the product that is being produced by the company. The use of the advertisement will also provide a competitive advantage to the firm, as it will help in attracting the more number of consumers (Huang and Sarigollu 2014). About the advertisement The advertisement of the company shows that it uses the best quality oranges in producing the fruit juice. It can be seen that the oranges are being handpicked by the workers so that they can be able to evaluate the quality of the raw material before being sent in to the line of production (Aaker and Joachimsthaler 2012). This will help the company in mitigating the risk of using sour or the stale oranges that may lead to a bad production within the company. The company uses the best products so that the customers can get the best products from the company. This will help the company in attracting more number of customers, as the customers are likely to shift from their previous companies to Earthgrown (Aguirre et al. 2015). The advertisement is about the use of the ripest oranges in the line of production so that the best quality of product can be provided to the customers. The primary theme of the advertisement is that it shows the use of the best quality of the oranges that are available in Singapore so that the product can be made in a better manner, which will be liked by most of the customers. This will help the company in being recognized among the customers, which will result in the increase of the profits of the company. It will also provide a competitive edge to the company, as the advertisement will suggest the customers that the product is made from the best raw materials that are available in the country. The concept of the advertisement is that it uses the best oranges so that the product is authentic and the use of the synthetic flavors can be avoided, which will bring out the natural essence of the product (Muller, Kocher and Crettaz 2013). The visual identity of any particular brand helps in shaping up the logo of the brand, styles of the imagery and the way in which it is presented to the audience. It will help the brand in getting its own identity so that the brand can be differentiated by the consumers from the rival companies that are present in the competitive market. The use of visual identity helps the company in aligning its goals and missions with the advertisement so that the brand can be positioned in a better way within the market place. Furthermore, it also helps in targeting the audience, to whom the company intends to sell its product and it also appeals to the emotions of the customers (Jjaniszewska and Insch 2012). The logo of the company shows that the entire orange that is covered in dust, as it is harvested from the orchard in a natural manner and the pulp is shown as orange, which suggests that it is absolutely ripe in nature. The presence of the dusty cover on the body of the fruit is because it is produced in a natural manner and the use of harmful chemicals is not present. The pulp is fresh within the fruit, which shows that these are used for the production of the fruit juice by the company. The less use of the chemicals and the natural way of harvesting the product gives an impression that the product will consist of all the natural flavors that are present in the fruit so that the consumers can get a better taste of the product (Wheeler 2012). Consumer problem and the solution by the advertisement The advertisement is based on the natural orange juice that is produced by a company called Earthgrown, which helps the consumers of understanding the wellness of the natural flavors that are present in the fruits. The use of good advertisements helps in providing a better solution to the queries that the customers may raise about the advertisement. It helps the brand, as the customers get a better reason in purchasing the product that is associated with the company. This advertisement that has been made by the company has provided a better reason so that they can opt for this particular brand of orange juice. The advertisement provides a better insight about the services that the company is providing to its customers (Wheeler 2012). The customers will be entitled in getting superior quality of products from the company. The primary attraction of the advertisement is that it helps the customers in providing the details about what kind of ingredient is used in the process of manufactu ring along with the promotion of using the products that are available naturally. The main feature of the product has been explained in a better manner through the advertisement so that it does not leave any doubt in the minds of the consumers (Muller, Kocher and Crettaz 2013). The main concern of the customers is that they fail to understand the concept of advertising. The advertisements that are complex in nature make it difficult to attract the customers in purchasing the product or the service. Most of the customers fail to understand the primary motive that is present behind the ad and the product or the service that is being showed by the company. The ad about the orange juice is simple but effective, as it helps in portraying a strong theme. The primary motive of the ad can be understood in a easy manner by the customers, as the ad features about the product and the services that is being taken up by the company to deliver the best quality products. The presence of the theme in the ad will help in attracting lot of customers towards the product, as the description that is underlying in the ad will help the customers in solving their queries related to the product. This will help in convincing the customers in purchasing the product of the particular company (Phillips, McQuarrie and Griffin 2014). The main purpose of the advertisement is not only to promote itself in the competitive market, which will help in boosting up of the sales but also focuses on the changes in the tastes and preferences of the customers. The presence of rich competition in the market allows the company to utilize a creative mindset so that the product can be marketed in a proper manner (Park et al. 2013). To create an impact that will last long on the minds of the consumers, the ads have to be made in a creative manner. Most importantly, the ad needs to contain all the necessary details about the product, which will in turn result in the easy understanding of the ad by the customers. Therefore, the advertisers should at all costs avoid the themes that are complex in nature, which may result in disaster for the company. The convincing power that is present in the advertisement will help the product to be purchased by the customers (Phillips, McQuarrie and Griffin 2014). Advertising strategy The use of strategies in ads helps in reaching and persuading the customers so that they can be interested in purchasing the product or services that are being manufactured by a particular company. The important factors that need to be included in this are the advantages that is available in using the particular product or service, the characteristics that are present among the target audience, the alternative routes that the customer may take if the product is not liked by them and the choices of the customers. The primary aim of any ad is that it has to be clear, which will help in understanding of the situation with respect to the target audience. The strategies that are effective, planning of the product and proper marketing will help the advertiser in spreading the information to a large number of audiences (Drewniany and Jewler 2013). The strategy of most of the ads is to have a strong convincing power so that it can help in attracting the customers. The positioning of the product has to be done, which will help the company to get a competitive advantage in the market. For this product, the company will opt for a low price, better quality product, as the customers will be provided with the best quality of food product that is available in the market. Since the company is new to the market, it will help in attracting the customers towards its product (Altstiel and Grow 2015). The selection of the target audience will help the product to flourish in the market, as they will be interested in purchasing the product after watching the advertisement. The behavior of the consumers towards the product helps the company in gaining a better insight about the process of selection that the consumers will have (Moriarty et al. 2014). Finally, the process of selection of the right medium of distribution for the ad is very important. The ad of the company will be featured in multiple channels of media such as the electronic and print media that will create an impact on the lives of the customers in an external and internal manner. The customers are mainly of various age groups that will have their own methods of media in watching the ad, which according to them will be convenient enough (Liu, Kumar and Mookerjee 2012). The use of outdoor advertising will help the company in leaving a lasting impression on the minds of the customers for a longer time period. The use of the outdoor services that are present in the media will help the customers in gaining better knowledge about the product. Using almost all the mediums will help the ad to achieve more publicity, which in turn will help in selling of the product and increasing the chance of profits for the company (Kubler and Proppe 2012). Creative strategy of the advertisement The creative strategy is the adoption of the creative choices that are present in the marketing techniques so that the advertisement can be made in an effective manner, which will help in spreading of the message among the customers. It deals with the message that the advertiser wants to convey about the product that is being offered by the company to the customers. It also deals with the image that the advertiser wants to portray to the customers about the particular product or service that is being offered by the company. It is also known as the message strategy, which is a combination of the art and science that is present in advertising. The strategy can be explained in a better way through the five steps such as the first step includes the collection and gathering of the information that is related to the product so that the problem can be identified in an effective manner (Liu, Kumar and Mookerjee 2012). The next step is working on the problems that are present in the product s o that it can help in getting better solutions. The third step is the implementation of the solutions so that it can help in giving birth to a better idea for the ad to be made. It also includes the execution of the message of the advertisement that is researched thoroughly during the collection of background information. The next step is where the idea is carefully studied by the advertiser so that it can help in eliminating the confusions that may arise. The final step is the implementation of all the ideas, which helps in the creation of a new advertisement (Takran and Ylmaz 2015). The strategy has been adopted in a proper manner when the ad was being made by the company. it has helped the company in showcasing the real ingredients that the company uses in making of the fruit juice. The advertisement video clearly shows the presence of the natural elements in their product and eliminating the use of harmful products that may pose a risk in the lives of the customers. This will help the customers in being associated with the product, as most of the customers are conscious about their health in the modern world (Fastoso and Whitelock 2012). Target audience of the brand The target audience of the company will help in increasing the sale of the product so that the company can try to maximize its profit. The target audience for Earthgrown Nature will be of all ages and will consist of the customers who are of both the genders. The company will aim to make the product available to them, as it will help in increasing the sales for the company (Katx 2016). Since the product is being made in an organic manner, it will help in attracting the customers, as the use of harmful chemicals are eliminated by the company. With the increased awareness about leading a healthy life, the customers will be interested in consuming these products, as it will help in leading better lives (Kelley, Sheehan and Jugenheimer 2015). The advertisement will be focused in such qa manner so that it can help in attracting the youngsters who may like the juice product and the elder people will get the natural sweetness from the product. This will help the elder people in decreasing t he chances of diabetes, which may result in degradation of the lives of the people (Okazaki and Taylor 2013). The use of natural fruits will also help the women, as they will gain lot of necessary vitamins and proteins that may be necessary for their bodies. This will help the company in increasing the chances of making profit, as people will slowly tend to shift their loyalty towards this company. The company will also be able to increase its revenue with the sale of mass quantities of orange juices (Athey, Calvano and Gans 2013). Selection of media channel The selection of the right medium of advertising helps the ad to be effective in nature and reach out to the target audience so that they can receive proper information about the product. apart from the video ad, the company also needs to focus on advertising their product through hoardings and billboards so that the customers can see it while they are outdoor (Rodgers and Thorson 2012). The use of print media also needs to be taken in to consideration by the company so that the potential customers who are daily readers of the newspapers and the magazines can have a better knowledge about the product. The ad needs to be present in the social media networks as well, as it will help in attracting the youngsters in consuming the product (Min et al. 2013). Convincing power of the advertisement The ad itself provides knowledge about the use of the choicest oranges that are found in the orchards of Singapore and eliminating the bad ones so that the customers can have a new level of experience with the product. It will help the customers in gaining better knowledge about the product and the ingredients that are used in the manufacturing of the product (Wheeler 2012). The Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of the company is that it does not use the harmful chemicals that may put the lives of the customers at risk and uses the natural sweetness of the orange that is extracted from the pulp of the fruit. This helps the consumers in getting associated with the product, as one glass of the product will help the customers in leading a healthy life in the fast paced scenario, which exists in the modern world (Altstiel and Grow 2015). Reference List Aaker, D.A. and Joachimsthaler, E., 2012.Brand leadership. Simon and Schuster. 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